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My Hair is No Place For a Gray Area

Before I had Rissa, I indulged in salon services. I went there about every 6 weeks, alternating a trim with cut and color. I loved going there.

See, I find quality places that aren’t convenient or close to home. Well, ok, so the place I was going was near where I lived while in college. It was also near where we got married, so naturally I booked them for our wedding party hair!

We were married almost 5 years ago. All that time, I continued to go to this particular salon to see my stylist… which is 45 minutes from my house.

Yeah, see what I mean? Not convenient. Regardless, I even booked some massages there on occasion.

Well, the last time I went there was early October, before Rissa arrived. Mmhmm, over 5 months ago. Eek!

I stopped going to save money due to being on maternity leave and then having my job eliminated… it wasn’t cheap to go. Cut and color appointments were easily $200.

But now… well, now I’m suffering as my gray is growing out. And yes, it is BAD. I’ve (sadly) been going gray since I was about 19 years old. I really hope I don’t pass that on to Rissa.

When I say it’s growing out, I’m not talking about a few strands here and there. I’m talking about almost my entire crown is gray if I don’t get it colored. It’s THAT bad.

I don’t want to spend the money, but I don’t want to do the home kits either. I’m hoping the social deal I got the other day is “on” because it’s half off. I just can’t let it grow out all the way. I’m not ready to be gray all over, I’m only 30!


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    Friday 16th of March 2012

    Color your hair if you feel comfortable.

    Mickey Coutts

    Tuesday 19th of April 2011

    Wait, that's your colored hair, right? I don't see any gray. I feel your pain, though. I have a stripe in my hair, so even when I color it, I always have this slightly-colored-differently section on hair. I've started doing mine at home because I'd never be able to get to the salon often enough. I usually end up coloring it in the middle of the night after the whole family has gone to sleep...

    Stopping by and following you with my sparkly little Alexa Toolbar. I'd love it if you'd swing by A Helicopter Mom's Paypal Giveaway!

    Thanks, Mickey


    Tuesday 19th of April 2011

    Yep, that's me fresh out of the salon over 6 months ago. I'm afraid to share a pic with my hair down..the gray is soo bad. Pulled back it's not as easy to notice.

    michelle r

    Friday 15th of April 2011

    Maybe im just cheap but I could NEVER spend that much on my hair let along every 6 weeks, yikes! Anyway, you look great girl.


    Tuesday 12th of April 2011

    Popping in from the Alexa hop! I can so relate! I started going gray in my early to mid 20s (thanks, Grandpa for those genes!). I'm 38 now and while my mother keeps telling me how beautiful it would be in my dark hair, this is one area where I feel that "being my real self" is not what I want to do! I'll be real in lots of other ways, but not with gray hair thankyouverymuch! Now if I could just find a way to make root touch ups faster, easier and cheaper I'd be a happy girl!

    Mama Chocolate

    Monday 11th of April 2011

    My grandma and my dad were both almost completely gray/white by the time they were 35-40! Yikes! Hoping it doesn't run in MY veins! :-)

    Stopping by from the Alexa Hop!

    Johanna at Mama Chocolate Family life, tips for mom, reviews, giveaways and more!