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10 More Toddler Gift Ideas!

The items listed in this post were received for review except for the I See Me book, the Little People Princess Castle and the Klip Klop Stable. This post contains affiliate links.

I’m telling you, I need to stop shopping. I can’t help it though because this is the first year Rissa is really getting into this whole Christmas thing. At least what I’m going to share now are mostly things we already have – things we received throughout the year. I’m not quite sure if I want to share the whole list of what I bought even though I know she can’t look it up and spoil the surprise! Anyway, here are some awesome gift ideas for your little ones.

toddler gift collage

More Toddler Gift Ideas!


We previously reviewed a couple I See Me personalized books and I decided to order my daughter a new one for Christmas. I want to encourage her that she can be anything she wants so I picked “ABC What Aerissa Can Be!”

If you are planning to order:


klip klop stable

Fisher-Price Little People Disney Klipklop Stable

This was one of Rissa’s birthday presents from my parents. I knew she would enjoy it. What I didn’t anticipate was how much Xander would like it too! They both play with it and it’s cute to listen in. It’s really a neat idea to have the horse klip klop down the ramps. Don’t tell the kids, but I ordered them some additional princesses!

zelfs vampula


Do you remember those troll dolls with the crazy hair? Man I loved those things. I collected them for awhile, made clothes for them… they were cooler than Barbies for a minute. Zelfs remind me of those but with a vampire-ish twist. I intend to gift the one we received, but I did check them out up close at the Big Toy Book Sweet Suite Event. I like these for the younger crowd that aren’t quite ready for Monster High dolls.

lp princess castle
Fisher-Price Little People Disney Princess Songs Palace

Yes, we have the stable AND the castle. This was also one of Rissa’s birthday presents. Her and X play with this pretty much daily. X knows where all the sounds are and likes to play the music. He’s even figured out how to place the princess on it to make them talk and sing. For some reason he always steals the flags. Anyway, this is a great set! Little People have come a long way since I was a kid!

peppa car
Fisher-Price Peppa Pig: Peppa’s Picnic Adventure Car

Oh Peppa! I still recommend Peppa’s Peek ‘n Surprise Playhouse. This car has been a nice addition. Both kids play with it. It’s easy to zoom around, the music button is easy to press and the Little People pretty much fit to ride along too. The picnic basket is a small piece, so be cautious of that. We also received a new Peppa book, “Muddy Puddles,” which Rissa was happy to add to the bedtime rotation. She always takes the dust jacket off right away, and on these it’s fine because there’s a picture to color!

tickled pink minnie
Minnie Mouse Tickled Pink Plush

We received Minnie from Sweet Suite. She doesn’t do a whole lot, but she is cute for Minnie lovers. It’s really easy for little kids to activate her and make her giggle. Her bow lights up and her laugh is infectious. There aren’t many phrases and it can get a bit repetitive to hear. X likes to give her big hugs and at least she doesn’t move or scare Rissa away!

read with me scout toy

LeapFrog Read with Me Scout Toy

We received this to review but were planning to purchase. The kids love it and Rissa helped me review it after her birthday party.

little tikes black and pink scooter

Little Tikes Lean to Turn Scooter (Pink)

Another birthday present received for review that we were thinking about buying. Great for active kids! You can check out my full review and see a clip of Rissa riding it.

mickey mouse clubhouse super adventure
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Super Adventure

We enjoy the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and this one has a full length super adventure plus a couple bonus episodes. Teamwork is the ultimate super power and Rissa found this one to be fun to watch. I think we’ve seen it at least three times since we got it a few weeks ago to review. She also likes the trading cards that are included and asks me to read what they say.

gifts from nick
Nickelodeon Bubble Guppies / Team Umizoomi: Into the Snow We Go DVD Set

Nickelodeon’s Holiday Gifts From Nick sets which include a DVD, coloring book, crayons, poster and sticker sheet! We received sets for Bubble Guppies/Team Umizoomi, Dora, Winx Club and SpongeBob. Rissa has only been able to open the Bubble Guppies one so far because I’m saving the rest for her stocking. She loves Bubble Guppies and is starting to like Team Umizoomi more. Funny story.. my dad was watching Team Umizoomi for the first time with Rissa and was answering their questions. Rissa usually wait until she’s watched it a couple times before she starts answering. Anyway, if you see these sets, they are nice little gifts!

Bonus Idea! Highlights Hidden Picture Books!

I loved looking for the hidden pictures as a kid. Now Rissa is interested in searching for things too making this a nice quiet activity we can do together. (She prefers to do it with someone rather than all on her own right now.) She was very excited about a new activity book.

Free Shipping and Special Offers on Catalog Orders
The Highlights 2013 Holiday Catalog, showcasing a wide range of Highlights magazines, puzzle clubs, books and toys for children of all ages, was recently released and can be found on From now until Dec. 20, they are offering free shipping on all catalog items with no minimum purchase.

15 new Hidden Picture books are available at Barnes & Noble for children in the age groups 4 and up, 6 and up, and 8 and up. The books are just $9.95 and each contains over 80 pages of find-it fun! There are also some Highlights Hidden Pictures Books available on Amazon too.

Want even more ideas? Check these out!

25 more ideas for babies and toddlers under $25

20 geeky gift ideas for babies and toddlers!


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