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Cloth Diaper Newbie: The Decision

A few weeks ago I started to contemplate cloth diapering. I briefly considered it while I was pregnant, but had the image of the old fashioned way my parents did it:

  • Bulky cloths
  • Nasty wet pails
  • Dunking in the toilet
  • Rubber pants
  • Pokey diaper pins

That was yucky and unpleasant.

But, as I discovered, cloth diapering has come a long way and doesn’t have to be so unpleasant.

Now, I’m learning about the different systems, sizes, and styles. I’ve also read up on laundering & caring for them.

I even received some helpful advice from Laura of 29 Diapers, who took the time to answer my newbie emails!

And I want in.

The first several weeks, Aerissa easily went through 12 diapers a day, sometimes more because she would poop after (or during, or during AND after) each nursing session.

After looking at a few comparison charts and doing some calculations of my own, I figured we could save around $1500 by switching (including initial investment!)

Plus, her bottom gets irritated looking…and there are lots of chemicals in disposables…

Hopefully I can increase our savings by keeping the investment low cost… I’m aiming to build a respectable size stash for less than $300. I’m entering a TON of giveaways in hopes of winning some. That would provide a nice variety without impacting my bank account. I’m also keeping an eye out for deals on used ones through Craigslist & eBay. So far no luck. What I’ve seen has failed on one of 3 accounts so far: too pricey for used, too worn/need repairs, or used bad detergent such as Tide. (Bad for cloth diapers! Very bad!)

Cloth Diaper Newbie: Day 1 >>


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    Friday 21st of January 2011

    Ooh a service would be nice, but I definitely couldn't afford that! We're now on our 3rd day of full time cloth diapers and it's going great so far. I have to get to work on posting updates on this venture, but I've been distracted with trying to enter all the ABE giveaways! :D

    Amy @ Marvelous Mommy

    Friday 21st of January 2011

    I may just jump on the wagon. I did disposable diapers with my first but I've thought about trying cloth diapers the second time around. Just to have the experience. My mom had a diaper service when I was little that cleaned all the diapers for her! Now that's the way to do it! lol