I was so excited to finish laundering my new cloth diapers – preparing them for use. I’ve never been so excited about laundry in my life! And I was so excited when they arrived that I didn’t get a chance to take pictures before laundering them.
I bought a BumGenius (BG) Elemental one size (os) All In One (AIO), a Fuzzibunz (FB) one size pocket diaper, and 2 diaper service quality (DSQ) prefolds with a Thirsties Duo Wrap. Oh, and a Snappi (safer than pins!). I bought all of these from Diaper Junction. (I took advantage of their offer for free shipping)
We tried them all on Day 1. So we saved 3 disposables so far.
Rissa was in the BumGenius for about 45 minutes before she started crying. I was puzzled.
Well, duh, she was wet!
I’m not used to that, with disposables she’s never cried due to having a wet or dirty diaper. (Kinda sad, really…)
So I changed her into the Fuzzibunz pocket, which I had prestuffed.
We haven’t experienced anything other than wet so far. Neither leaked (but these weren’t super full diapers either). She did nap in the FB for almost 2 hours.
I was a bit overwhelmed by all the snaps at first and referred to the packaging to try and get the rise snapped correctly for her size. I was a bit confused initially when adjusting the elastic in the FB, but after doing it, I think it’s quite a nice way to adjust the fit as needed. Plus, it came with extra elastic for when it needs to be replaced – which is nice!
I failed with my first attempt to use a prefold with a cover. It was horribly wrapped around her and I felt like there was too much going on around her legs. I was afraid it was restricting movement. Major squarebutt! She was also fussing and spitting up during this time so I took it off and planned to try again later.
Later I did the newspaper fold (trifold like a long rectangle, set it inside the cover and folded down the extra length in the back). This worked but gave her a ginormous butt. I put her into her sleep sack so we didn’t have to mess with her onesie & pants over it! The bulk of the prefold shifted to the left, but stayed put pretty well under the Thirsties Duo Wrap. About 30-45 minutes later she was crying to be changed. She was we-et!
Initial thoughts/observations:
- All-in-one and pocket are pretty easy to use
- Need to practice with prefolds
- Way more bulky than I expected (especially the prefolds)
- Rissa and I need to adjust to this new system
- I must try more!
So the adventures will continue! I just ordered some more… 1 fitted and another pocket… and used a promo to get a free one size! Yup, 3 for the price of 2. Woohoo!
<< Cloth Diaper Newbie: The Decision

Darcy is the founder of “Life With Darcy and Brian,” where she combines her love for education, board games, and crafting to create engaging learning experiences for kids. Her creative projects and writing have been featured in outlets like The Toy Insider, CafeMom, Mom.com, Parents.com, Country Living, and The Pioneer Woman.