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10 Places to Send the Children and Preserve Your Sanity This Summer

The kids are home ALL summer.

Not half or a quarter, but ALL summer.

You’ve gotten yourself into a routine during the school year, you’re used to getting things done a certain way, and now here they are.

Expecting to be entertained. Getting into fights over petty things. Watching too much TV and wearing their fingers out on their tablets.

What on earth happened to your peace and quiet? Ugh. It is time to take action, actions that will preserve your sanity and restore your life to some semblance of normal.

Until you become a mother, it is impossible to understand what it is like to love someone AND want nothing more than for them to go away. You’ve got to get those kids out of the house. Where can you send them though?

Love these! Practical tips with a sense of humor. Wondering how to keep the kids entertained and out of your hair? Check out these 10 Places to Send the Children and Preserve Your Sanity This Summer.

10 Places to Send the Children and Preserve Your Sanity This Summer

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Grandma’s house – Nobody has a tolerance level for your children’s shenanigans like their grandmothers. Grandmothers let children do ANYTHING, and that’s certainly OK as long as they are doing it out of your sight. The first line of defense is always grandma.

Total bonus if they can spend the night there. It’s an exciting sleepover for the kids and you can get a date night out of it too!

The backyard – This used to be your sanctuary as a child, but our modern offspring doesn’t necessarily see it that way. They see the outdoors as it actually is: sweaty, filled with dirt and bugs.

This is especially hard if you have a kid who’s terrified of any sort of flying bug or anything that resembles a bug like I do. That’s OK though, because it is time for them to experience a throwback lifestyle. Send them outside and get yourself something for your headache.

Local camps – Many communities offer free or low cost camp for children for a few hours per day, and a few hours alone is really all that you need. There are usually great activities for the kids and new friends to meet. You can’t put a price on peace of mind, but free sure is a great one.

The pool – The highlight of the summer is ALWAYS a swimming pool. You can head out there with a good book, some sunscreen, and let them play to their heart’s content. Bonus to this plan is that they will get great exercise, tire themselves out, and possibly take a nap.

Their friend’s houses – OK, so thankfully your children have friends, and hopefully their parents are not as exasperated as you are. Send those children out to play with their friends.

The craft store – Many craft stores offer classes for children to learn everything from sewing to cake decoration. That means they can gain some skills and get out of your hair for a little while. Win-win scenario!

I enrolled my daughter in a few classes at Michael’s craft store, and I spent the entire time shopping for craft supplies. This made ME happy, but can be dangerous for the budget.

Visiting relatives – This may seem like the same thing as visiting grandma, but not exactly. After all, your cousin or sister probably have children as well, and having extra kids to play with is ALWAYS a great thing.

Vacation Bible School – Every church offers the opportunity for children to learn and enjoy the company of others during the summer. The best part about vacation bible school is it is often in the evening, so you may even get a few hours off with hubby. I have fond memories of attending VBS as a kid, even though we were not regular church goers.

To their room – It isn’t a punishment to spend a little bit of time entertaining yourself, and most likely you have spent plenty of time decorating and making this space comfortable for your kiddos, so sending them there to play quietly for a while is a refuge for you AND them.

Sports – There are a TON of summer leagues that are open for kids to join. The fresh air, sunshine and exercise are going to do wonders for them, and for you!

Remember moms, it is completely OK to admit that while you love your kids, you don’t want to spend every second of your summer with them. Now grab yourself a Netflix marathon or a nap. You’ve earned it.

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