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12 Cool Facts About Cats

As the kids get older, I love watching them interact with our pets. So, I thought it was fun to learn some fun Facts About Cats. While we have Vivian, our dog, in the house, we’ve had our two cats much longer. Being able to appreciate the loving nature of cats is something I want both of my children to understand. This year, I hope to continue teaching them about even more fun and cool facts like these about cats.

Long haired cat curled up for a catnap.

This is our fluffy kitty, Bella. She’s very particular about who can rub her belly and she likes to tease the dog.

12 Cool Facts About Cats

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Learning a few new facts about cats will help you to truly understand these often misunderstood but loving pets. Whether you are in the crazy cat lady category or in the are of people who think cats are all rather mean, this post is going to help you understand that they are really amazing animals. Cats can be both your best friend or your greatest enemy. As like any other animal, it all depends on how they are raised, their individual experiences, and yes, some of it lies in their genetics. Different species have distinct personalities. So, these fun facts about cats are sure to help you understand even more about these beautiful creatures.

Cats have incredible hearing! In fact, cats can hear sounds that are nearly two octaves higher than humans can. And, according to The Everything Cat Book, a cat’s external ear can rotate about 180 degrees, helping cats to determine the source of a sound.

There is a legitimate reason they sleep on your head.  Many cats like to sleep on their human’s head because heat escapes from our heads so it’s a toasty place to snuggle. Plus, our hair and scent can also be reassuring to our favorite felines, says cat behaviorist Marilyn Krieger.

Cat’s have an amazing memory.  Cat’s brains are amazing. They have 1,000 times more data storage than an iPad, according to Scientific American. So, they really do remember when you took them to the vet to get fixed, or when they went without kibble for more than 20 minutes.

A cat’s whiskers aren’t hair.  They’re actually extremely sensitive touch receptors that are attached to a cat’s muscular and nervous systems, explains Pet MD. There’s a lot going on beneath the surface! Whiskers sense changes in a cat’s surroundings and send those messages to the cat’s sensory nerves, helping cats make their way in the dark, squeeze through tight spaces, hunt for prey and more. Don’t ever pluck those whiskers!!

They are like Superman and can leap tall buildings in a single bound!  Cats can jump up to nine times their height, according to Cornell Feline Health Center.

They sleep half the day away!  Most cats sleep an average of 15 hours a day, says Pet MD, with some cats sleeping up to 20 hours per day! Talk about a catnap! They truly do sleep the day away, and yes, we should be jealous of their ability to catnap.

Black and white cat sitting on back of couch.

This is our cat, Capone. He’s very shy and hates loud noises. He’s excellent at mimicking a baby cry!

Adult cats meow to communicate with humans, not other cats.  According to various cat researchers, there are approximately 19 variations on the simple “meow.” P.S. kittens are known to meow at their mama cat when they want something. Coincidence? (I will say, we enjoy “talking” with our cats!)

They have built in night vision! According to Popular Science, cats can see 6-8 times better than humans in the dark, which is extremely useful for night hunting. This is one of my favorite facts about cats.

A kindle of kittens and a clowder of cats? Yep! A group of kittens is called a “kindle,” and a group of adult cats is called a “clowder.”

Their shoulders…aren’t attached? Cats’ shoulder blades are attached to the rest of the body by muscles, rather than bone. This is just one reason cats are extremely flexible and can twist their bodies and squeeze through small spaces, according to Cornell Feline Health Center.

Cats are not nocturnal. While cats do seem to be more active at night, they’re not nocturnal, as some people believe. They’re actually crepuscular, which means they’re most active during dusk and dawn, explains Healthy Pet Magazine.

Some cats are born with extra toes.  While most cats have a total of 18 toes (5 toes on their front paws and 4 toes on their back paws), some cats have extra toes. According to Mother Nature Network, these cats are called Polydactyl cats. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, a cat named Jake, from Bonfield, Ontario holds the world record of 28 toes, seven on each paw!

With so many fun facts about cats to learn, you are sure to find that your family is in need of another fun lovable creature to add to your family. They are snugly, smart, loving, and totally unique additions to your family!

12 Cool Facts About Cats

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    Tuesday 31st of January 2017

    I found that very interesting! Especially the bit about their shoulders. I had no idea! Thanks for that. have a blessed day!

    Darcy Zalewski

    Saturday 18th of February 2017

    I was surprised about their shoulders too! I have always wondered how exactly my cats seem to slink through small openings.

    Ghastly Girl

    Saturday 21st of January 2017

    Awesome post. Of course, I'm a little biased as a certified cat lady lol. Your cats are lovely as well :)

    Darcy Zalewski

    Saturday 21st of January 2017

    Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed reading our post. :)


    Wednesday 18th of January 2017

    This is very interesting. Now I know why Andy(who recently passed away)use to meow at me when I would sing to him. Apparently, my singing hurt his ears. Your kitties are beautiful.

    Darcy Zalewski

    Saturday 21st of January 2017

    Thank you, Debra. I'm thinking Andy was trying to sing along with you. :)

    Marie from The Interior Frugalista

    Tuesday 17th of January 2017

    Your Cat Facts caught my eye at one of the linky parties. I've always been a dog person but a few years ago we inherited an adult cat, could be your Bella's twin brother. I've wondered about some of his characteristics, not knowing much about cats. Your post was very helpful in answering some of those questions - thanks! I've gone from cat hater to don't know how we lived without our Sexy Rexy.

    Darcy Zalewski

    Saturday 21st of January 2017

    I'm so glad our post helped you learn more about Rexy! I love how full of personality cats and dogs are - those are special bonds we form with them. :) Thanks for stopping by Marie!


    Sunday 15th of January 2017

    Cute post! I love cats (I have a Maine Coon and a tortie), and fortunately, so does my almost two-year old daughter. I'm so glad that she is growing up with cats, and love them as much as I do!

    Darcy Zalewski

    Saturday 21st of January 2017

    Thanks, Amy! I would love a Maine Coon. :)