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Baby Newborn Stage: Tips For Keeping Your Sanity

The baby newborn stage is one of those times in life when everything seems uncertain. Welcoming a newborn baby into your family comes with so many unknowns.

While it’s definitely an exciting time, it can also be a little stressful as a new parent!

Whether you’re a first-time mom or have experience with taking care of a newborn, it can be difficult to know exactly what to expect and how your family dynamic will change with the arrival of a new member.

Our ultimate new mom checklist will help you feel prepared, and if you have another child, check out our tips on introducing an older sibling to the new baby.

Happy mom laying down with content baby.

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Baby Newborn Stage: 5 Tips For Keeping Your Sanity

One way to ease some of the stress when your baby is a newborn is to streamline as much as possible when it comes to your home.

Prepare ahead so that cooking and cleaning aren’t weighing on your mind when all you want to be doing is enjoying your newborn.

Prepare Food for No-Brainer Meals

You want to have healthy food available, but in the weeks following your baby’s birth, you might not feel much like preparing it. Meal plan ahead of time to make life easier in the postpartum stage!

Stock up on easy-to-prepare essentials and double up your recipes when you cook now so you can freeze leftovers for no-brainer meals later. When you do have the time and energy to cook, these quick and easy meals can be your go-to options for dinner.

  • Disposable pans can save on cleanup. Paper plates and cups can make life easier, too.
  • Plan on having ready-to-go breakfasts like fruit and yogurt. Some breakfast foods even freeze remarkably well, like these sausage pancake muffins or egg burritos.
  • Don’t forget about snacks! You’ll need them as you recover from labor, and to produce much-needed milk for baby. Nuts, dried fruit, and oat-based bars are wonderful for milk production and provide lots of energy.

Deep Clean & Delegate

As your nesting instincts kick in, you might feel like deep cleaning the whole house in preparation for your baby’s arrival. Do what you have to do to feel prepared, but don’t stress out too much about everything being perfect.

That baby newborn stage is exciting, but it is stressful. Being able to delegate to your family is a must. Don’t do it all yourself, either!

If friends and family ask what they can do to help, tell them! If you have older children, think about what you can teach them to take care of around the house during your pregnancy, postpartum, and beyond.

Stock Up & Shop Online

Stocking up on essential household supplies ahead of time can save you a lot of stress later on – who wants to go to the store for dish soap with a newborn baby?

Get ahead a few weeks when it comes to the basics: toilet paper, laundry soap, paper towels, and so on. You can even order your household supplies online and have them delivered right to your front door – how’s that for convenient?

Seriously, I rarely go to the store to buy toilet paper because I have it set up to automatically be delivered to my house. One less thing to worry about!

Survival Mode: Focus On The Essentials

When you find yourself in the thick of things as a parent (whether it’s in that baby newborn stage or any other time when life gets a little hectic) do yourself a favor and focus solely on the basics when it comes to your home.

We all need healthy food, hygiene, and clean clothes – everything else can be pushed off until later. Try to remember this when you find yourself overwhelmed.

Don’t look at your whole to-do list – just start by taking a shower, washing a load of laundry, and making a good meal.

Everything else will seem much more manageable when you are clean and well-fed!

Baby Soothing Tips

You’ll accomplish so much more with a happy baby on your hands rather than a cranky one. Keep baby happy – that’s the priority!

Many babies are soothed by baby swings, so those can be a mom’s best friend.

Wearing your baby also has a number of benefits, (I loved our ErgoBaby carrier) including a more content disposition.

Both options leave your hands free to do what you need to do around your home.

With just a little bit of extra effort in the months leading up to your baby’s arrival, you can stress less during that babymoon phase.

The baby newborn stage is full of wonderful moments. A bit of planning ahead makes it well worth while to handle these months without extra stress.

More Baby Care Tips:

Baby Newborn Stage: Tips For Keeping Your Sanity - Are you prepared for your new baby? Don't miss out on all of the top tips for making sure those early days are manageable with your infant! Super helpful for new moms and new dads.


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