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5 Types of Video Games That Help Relieve Stress

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Thank you to Ubisoft for sponsoring this post. Please visit to get your own copy of Far Cry 3, today’s Gold Box Deal of the Day! I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective. All opinions are my own.

As parents our decompression time can be pretty limited, so we want to quickly jump in and out of pleasurable activities that help us relax. While there are a few different activities I engage in for a creative outlet (like reading and writing), I also like to use video games to help me de-stress. Growing up gaming for enjoyment, it’s really no surprise; however, not all games are created equal. When I’m looking to let off steam, I can usually be found playing one of five types of video games.

1 – Simple social games

After a long exhausting day I prefer not to think too much. This is where the Facebook and smartphone games come in handy – just click, click, click (or tap, tap, tap). There’s something comforting in the repetition.

2 – Puzzle games

On the flip side, sometimes I want to challenge the ol’ noggin. Puzzle games keep the mind sharp and can provide a sense of accomplishment upon completion.

3 – Rhythm games

playing just dance 4

Whether it’s dancing or playing music, these types of games are loads of fun for me. I can play in competitive or party mode depending on my level of confidence that day.

4 – Fitness games

While you are not technically playing a “game,” exercise disguised as fun is a great way to burn off some energy. Going for a walk helps clear my mind and melt the stress away, and workout games can do that too. It also does a body good!

5 – First person shooter/action adventure games

Do you ever get so frustrated you feel like screaming and breaking stuff to let it out? Yeah, me too. Strong emotions bottled up need a way to release. A safe way to do that is to bust things and thwart evil plans in a virtual world. Generally I am not very good at FPS games so I stick to more adventure type games. I focus on the quests and battles, having a mental escape for awhile. My husband plays quite a few shooter games, but also enjoys being able to explore the game world created like in Far Cry 3 and Assassin’s Creed. Sometimes deviating from “story mode” can be an even greater escape. Hey – just because we have kids doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy games created for adults!

What kinds of games do you like to play?

far cry 3 box

Looking for a new mature game to help you decompress during your precious me time? Be sure to check out the Gold Box Deal of the Day for Far Cry 3!


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    Wednesday 23rd of January 2013

    I like adventure games the most - like Uncharted or Assassin's Creed. I also love strategy games like Final Fantasy, Persona and Valkyria Chronicles.