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Adjusting to Life With Two Kids

As much as I love these two kiddos, it’s definitely an adjustment – and a bit of a learning curve – to surviving each day. There are certainly pros and cons to having children close together. Having two under two (or would I say two under three since Rissa is 26 months old?) can be challenging and demanding because they are both pretty dependent on you.

Sure, Rissa is growing up fast and showing more and more independence, but she still needs her diaper changed, assistance while getting dressed, meals prepared for her and supervision. Good lord the things she can and will get into when not watched like a hawk can be quite scary. Plus, she still prefers me as her playmate though she is playing more on her own.

My sole purpose each day is just to keep these two alive, I swear!

I lucked out that Brian had plenty of vacation plus holiday time off so he could be home with us for a few weeks. It was so nice having one parent per child! But now I’m on my own with these two.

It’s been going okay so far but it’s only been a couple days. I feel like I get “nothing” done since tending to their basic needs easily takes up my whole day. I’m slowly adding in things like doing a load of laundry and trying not to feel guilty about what I can’t do. Plus, little man and I are still getting used to this sling.


Hotslings adjustable baby sling

Thankfully my husband is pretty amazing, though when I tell him that he says he’s just doing what he should be doing to help me. *melts*

I can tell how draining it is to be home alone with Rissa and Xander just by how my exhaustion level shot up after Brian returned to work. Suddenly I could barely keep my eyes open after both kids went to sleep (which meant no blogging!). I don’t want to be too sleep deprived so I’ve been listening to my body and sleeping when I am able. Let’s hope I can continue to time their naps together!!

Still, there are times frustration builds and we all just want to cry.


And when that happens we hug and kiss and soothe each other with assurances that everything will be all right. Because in the end, I know it will be and they’ll grow up in the blink of an eye leaving me to wonder how to adjust to life without them.


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    Monday 7th of January 2013

    Awwww Darcy. It does get easier. The sling became my best friend when I had my second. I'd get so much done with him in the same and left my hands free ti attack chores around the house and play with my daughter.

    I DOES get easier!


    Tuesday 8th of January 2013

    Thanks :) I'm getting used to the sling but am not as comfortable with it as my structured carriers. Still it's an option that helps a little more each day!

    Allyson Bossie

    Sunday 6th of January 2013

    For the first six months at least it will be simply surviving that happens! I have two that are 14 months apart. At ages 10 and 9 it's so cool, but until they were about 2 and 3, I don't remember sleeping much and my house looked much more lived in than it does now :). Sleep when they sleep, and the house will come as you have more energy!


    Sunday 6th of January 2013

    I'm glad to hear it got much easier later on. I figure once they can truly entertain each other and play together it should help free me up a bit. It's amazing just how much time in the day goes to fulfilling their basic needs!


    Sunday 6th of January 2013

    I have to now ride in the backseat with the kids so they don't fight.


    Sunday 6th of January 2013

    Oh no! I hope to avoid needing to do that.

    Heather M

    Saturday 5th of January 2013

    It's a huge adjustment. I remember... we just got by on surviving those first couple months. Then I slowly started adding in more and more things and now we're back into our regular routine. DON'T feel bad about what you can't do. Feel good about what you can do and what you have done!


    Sunday 6th of January 2013

    Thanks for the encouragement! It does seem like surviving is all we have time for these days. I feel like I'm lazy because I'm sitting so much but I'm nursing every couple hours and they both need me to entertain them!


    Saturday 5th of January 2013

    That picture of Rissa is precious! Made me want to hug her.

    Just take your time. are making memories too! Those will get you through the teen years.


    Sunday 6th of January 2013

    The poor thing - she saw the pic input in the post and remembered why she was crying! Most days are pretty good so we are definitely making lots of memories :) I hope I don't see that face again in her teens though!