Once upon a time before having kids, I imagined wanting to have kid-free nights… as often as necessary and possible to keep me sane. To have ME time.
It didn’t take long before I discovered I don’t often want kid-free time. Maybe “off of my lap” time, but not “completely out of the house” time. I enjoy being with my entire family. I enjoy time with my daughter. I feel guilty and weird doing things without her.
Next week I fly out to New York City for a weekend away from my family. It will be filled with fun activities, other bloggers who are moms, and glitz and glamour.
It will be a one of a kind opportunity I can’t miss.
I don’t want to miss.
I won’t miss.
But am I ready for this kind of trip?
I have never left my daughter for more than a couple hours. It feels like a big shock to be away from her for three days. Deep down I know everything will be okay. I know it will be a good weekend for both of us. She gets to bond with her dad and I get to have a mini working vacation.
If this trip had come up any earlier in my daughter’s life, I don’t think I could justify leaving her. While she is with me 95% of the time, she’s now capable of understanding I don’t disappear when she can’t see me. She knows I’ll come back.
I always come back.
She fusses less when I leave her now, which is good but a reminder to me that my baby is growing up. A step closer to not needing mommy anymore (though a daughter will always need mom on some level!). As I think more about how she will do without me, I realized the concern is more about me. How I will do without her.
It’s me leaving her in someone else’s care for three full days. Yes, it’s my husband, but it’s not me. Separation anxiety is just as much a mom issue as a baby issue, I’ve decided. I do think I’m ready though. I’m nervous about flying alone (only have flown with my husband) so the combination seems to be scaring me more than I want to admit.
What’s the longest you have been away from your kids? When did you first have more than a day away from them?
I will survive, right?

Darcy is the founder of “Life With Darcy and Brian,” where she combines her love for education, board games, and crafting to create engaging learning experiences for kids. Her creative projects and writing have been featured in outlets like The Toy Insider, CafeMom, Mom.com, Parents.com, Country Living, and The Pioneer Woman.
Laquandra R
Saturday 26th of May 2012
For my first child up until his sister was born I had only left him a couple of hours a night to go to work. And he was home with my hubby. When my daughter was born I had to stay at the hospital for a few days. My son was fine it was me that was nervous. He was 2. I still have a hard time, but I know they will be fine.
Sunday 27th of May 2012
It definitely is harder on me than her I think! They seem to be upset for a few minutes at first but then are okay until we return.
Jo-Ann Brightman
Saturday 5th of May 2012
My first child had bad colic and I was with him so much that he became fearful when I walked away. I tried not to do that with my second child. I think it helped all of us if I spent some time doing something without them., but not too long
Saturday 5th of May 2012
She's not fearful, but she does get upset. She was fine without me though!
Tuesday 1st of May 2012
When my daughter was 3 we left her for four days with my parents. It was hard. I missed her like crazy and she ended up crying the last two nights. She was inconsolable. Now that she is four, she doesn't have a problem. She misses me but we talk on the phone now if I leave her.
Saturday 5th of May 2012
It ended up going better than we anticipated, so that was a relief!
Friday 27th of April 2012
I haven't been away from my daughter for more than 6 hours.
How did your trip go?!
Amy Orvin
Monday 23rd of April 2012
I don't have kids, but if I did, I would never leave them 2dogs5catscrew@att.net