WW: Purple Toes!
While getting ready for my trip to LA I just had to reprint my nails. Rissa decided she wanted purple toes too! I wasn’t planning to start painting her nails …
While getting ready for my trip to LA I just had to reprint my nails. Rissa decided she wanted purple toes too! I wasn’t planning to start painting her nails …
All in the span of a few seconds…
When I decided I wanted to go to BlogHer ’12, I knew I wanted my daughter to come with me. She is very much a part of this blog – …
For the past couple months I’ve felt bad about the lack of toddler playmates my daughter has in her life. It seems like she should be around more kids her …
Like many of us, I often wish for material things like more money, a bigger home, a newer car, or a dream vacation. Yet these aren’t my most important wishes. …
This is BuckleyBoo, a developmental toy available at Imagine Toys. When we were offered the opportunity to review him my initial thought was I don’t want her to master buckles …
Rissa loves Sesame Street and has quickly learned many of the characters. Some she can even say by name like her favorite, Ernie. (I know, Ernie?) (Video) It all started …
I must admit I’m relieved to no longer be keeping Baby #2 a secret from all of you. I’ve almost slipped up in a few posts (like talking about car …
As many of you know, we started trying for baby #2 a few months ago. I had some checkups done to ensure my blood sugar levels were normal and I …
Moms (and non-parents) are up in arms about a recent TIME magazine cover and article. While I have not read the article, I’ve seen the cover. It achieved what TIME …
I used to think it was funny and a bit odd to see people out in public and their child holding a naked doll. Now, we are one of those …
Once upon a time before having kids, I imagined wanting to have kid-free nights… as often as necessary and possible to keep me sane. To have ME time. It didn’t …
It’s one thing to have no privacy anymore while trying to go to the bathroom, but it also seems to be my daughter’s prime time for getting into mischief. I …
It has been very exciting to watch my daughter engage in more pretend play. She started doing a little bit of imaginative play a few months ago, but it has …
When the call comes in that a new baby has been welcomed into the world, it’s very exciting! The first thing we want to do is go visit. While it …
Are kids born with a sense of fashion or is that a skill we acquire over time? I am completely serious in my question because I don’t know! I feel …
That is the question. While I have a few years before I need to decide on an answer, it has been on my mind. I went to public school as …
With Rissa’s vocabulary growing everyday and her love of books, I have been thinking more and more about how to teach her things. I don’t necessarily structure out days for …
We took Rissa on her first lengthy car ride when she was 2.5 months old. A 3 hour trip turned into a 5 hour one. While you’d think we could …