My main priority is keeping my children alive.
That might sound dramatic, but when you have two kids 3 and under you know what I mean. They have little concept of danger and seem to defy death daily. I also try to work… I write (here and for BabyZone) and manage social media accounts on a freelance basis. So I do a mix of being all day mommy… playing and keeping two littles happy plus being plugged in a lot.
From the outside it’s really easy for someone to think I just sit on my ass all day playing on Pinterest and Facebook. (and Twitter and Google+ and Instagram… you get the point)
From the outside it’s really easy to wonder why my house is a cluttered mess. Why laundry isn’t always put away. Why I don’t always get dinner done.
From the outside it’s really easy to judge or believe what someone could/should/would get done.
Before I became a mom I thought I’d keep a tidier home and cook more meals while home with my sweet babes. I knew if I returned to work full-time that would never happen, but if I was home… oh I’d have SO MUCH TIME.
Then I had a baby. And another.
I’m not saying I’m some incredible person (I’m not.. I’m pretty average, I think) or that people should be in awe or treat me special… I just don’t want to be thought of as JUST a mom who’s JUST at home all day.
(I also happen to be a mom who gets her daughter to three classes a week that are a half mile away from our home. Since we only have one car that means I put both kids in the stroller and walk them to and from and wear the baby during class (if needed). So, I’m not always home either.)
Anyway, I loved this post by Matt Walsh because he gets it. And I’m thankful my husband gets it too.
If you haven’t read Matt Walsh’s post yet, I recommend it. His posts have been going viral so chances are you have read it already, but I still wanted to comment here.
So just what do you do all day? ;)

Darcy is the founder of “Life With Darcy and Brian,” where she combines her love for education, board games, and crafting to create engaging learning experiences for kids. Her creative projects and writing have been featured in outlets like The Toy Insider, CafeMom,,, Country Living, and The Pioneer Woman.
Ashley @ Forgetful Momma
Monday 21st of October 2013
I completely get it! After I had #2 my (step)mother who never had babies had the nerve to tell me that my house wasn't as tidy anymore as it was before I had babies. GRR!
She also doesn't get blogging and thinks it is just my excuse to be on the computer wasting time.
i have two happy, healthy, (sometimes too) smart kids with another on the way. Laundry is half done, they are fed and clothed= good day. :-)
Darcy Zalewski
Monday 21st of October 2013
Fed and clothed are good days! Sometimes I feel really crappy about not getting dinner together every night but then I remember I get breakfast and lunch together 99% of the time.
And did I know you are expecting again? I don't remember if you shared that already or not (sorry!) But congrats!! :D