I was going to say “happily married” or something else just as cutesy, but it sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? I mean, I’m happy to be married to my wonderful husband (I’m part of the Happy Wives Club afterall!), but life and marriage is more complicated than that, you know?
Okay, this isn’t how I wanted to start off our wedding anniversary post. I just didn’t want to sound… well who’s going to say they’ve been happily married only 8 years and miserable 2 years but together for 10 years? Almost everyone says “happily married” but what does that really mean?
Well, it means we love each other through thick and thin.
Through good times and bad.
In sickness and in health.
For richer, for poorer.
Yep, we stick to our vows.
We support one another physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially.
We’re best friends.
We overlook minor annoyances. (What?! I’m annoying sometimes? …of course I am! Aren’t you?)
We embrace each other’s strengths.
We work through issues together.
We don’t give up on each other.
We trust each other.
We are honest with each other.
We respect one another.
Who knew we would still be together 12 years after we met online? (Psst… I did. Deep down in my heart, I did.)
I’ve shared the story of how we met and fell in love and our wedding day outside at Country Spring’s Garden Gazebo, but I don’t think I’ve written about Brian’s proposal. Instead of reading it, you can sit with me while I tell you the story:

Darcy is the founder of “Life With Darcy and Brian,” where she combines her love for education, board games, and crafting to create engaging learning experiences for kids. Her creative projects and writing have been featured in outlets like The Toy Insider, CafeMom, Mom.com, Parents.com, Country Living, and The Pioneer Woman.
Mai Bateson
Wednesday 29th of May 2013
That's a fantastic story Darcy! I also met my husband online. And that was nearly 4 years ago (June 2009). We got married May of 2011 and we just had our 2nd year wedding anniversary! How fast time flies! Congratulations!!! :D Visiting you from the Happy Wives Club Link Up.
Darcy Zalewski
Saturday 1st of June 2013
Thanks, Mai and congratulations to you too. May is a great wedding month :)
Fawn Weaver
Tuesday 28th of May 2013
Darcy, you and your hubby met online 12 years ago? How cool is that?! Happy 10th anniversary and wishing you 10 x 5 (plus) more years of wedded bliss (no, really...bliss :)).
Darcy Zalewski
Saturday 1st of June 2013
Thanks, Fawn!
Monday 27th of May 2013
Congratulations! It is a bit of work isn't it?
They never put that in the fairy tales.
Wonder what happened with Cinderella after the wedding....12 kids? Fights with the in-laws?
Someone should write that story.
Darcy Zalewski
Monday 27th of May 2013
Thanks :) that's a book I'd read!