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Meeting New Mommy Friends

I never truly understood how becoming a mother can affect your friendships. I suppose this is because I’m pretty laid back and never avoided friends with kids. I understood (to a point) that going out was often more work for them. No worries, I’ll come to you…that sort of thing.

Well, now I have a kiddo. Friends have come and gone, moved away, drifted apart, what-have-you. I don’t have a lot of close friends in the area.

Being cooped up this winter has not helped Rissa and I find new friends. I figure once it’s nicer out, we’ll start meeting others at the park…

Another way to meet other moms nowadays is online. Well, that’s right up my alley! I found a board with some moms in the area. Quickly I realized how similar it was to dating and joked with my hubby about it.

“Should I ask her if she wants to meet up or should I wait for her to ask?”

“Should I ask for her number? Is it too forward to give her mine?”

Then comes the first meeting… the Mommy Date.

Move over playdate! Mommy want new friends! Mommy friends!

“Will she like me?”

“Will she like my babygirl?”

“Will she want to hang out again?”

All tongue-in-cheek aside, it can be a bit nerve-wracking to meet new people, especially while exploring mommyhood!

Have you ever had a mommy date?


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    Laura O in AK

    Wednesday 6th of July 2011

    Amazing how nervous we can be when meeting a new mommy. Although, I'm more likely to be worried one of my boys will act badly and turn them off to the whole family.


    Wednesday 2nd of March 2011

    Yes, thank goodness for blogging! And social media! :)


    Tuesday 1st of March 2011

    I know what you mean, I was in the same position, but eventually you will meet lot of mommy friends when your girl start school, meanwhile we are here if you need anything or just want to talk. Thanks GOD for blogging! :D Fara following from Bloggy moms


    Tuesday 1st of March 2011

    Thanks for visiting and commenting! I think I need to find a moms group, definitely. Later this week I'll post how the mommy date went :)

    Ellen Finnerty

    Tuesday 1st of March 2011

    Hahaha I never thought of it like that! When my dd (now 9) was young I really got into rubber stamping and joined swaps online. Some of those friendships turned into real life friends. One girl I met that way I consider family. Look into MOPS (Christian group) or other mom groups. Now my dd is 6 months I am noticing how my life is changing, her alian talk and tea kettle noises are making me a bit uncomfortable (I keep leaving room to be polite) to be in regular groups (not mom focused). Good luck and thanks for the blog