5 Awesome Products for Cold Weather Babies
Being born and raised in Wisconsin, I am no stranger to cold weather. That doesn’t mean I like it, but I’m (sorta) used to it. (Does one every really get used …
Being born and raised in Wisconsin, I am no stranger to cold weather. That doesn’t mean I like it, but I’m (sorta) used to it. (Does one every really get used …
There are a lot of other blogs written by moms about their experiences. Many of them I read and relate to…some have different opinions and parenting preferences than I. Very …
Planning my wedding was fun but exhausting. Once we picked the date we booked the venue … then figured the rest out. It’s almost hard to believe it was over …
I posted this picture on my Facebook fanpage and asked for captions… here are some of my favorites: There were several variations of “mail to gramma” which werejust too stinkin’ …
It’s really no secret that I’m not *gasp* skinny. The only time I ever was thin was when I was a preschooler. Even in high school I was curvier even if …
With Rissa, we started out using disposables. I didn’t attempt cloth until she was 3 months old, going on 4 months old. Now at nearly 23 months old, it feels …
The baby bump is becoming more obvious. And in the way. I can’t tell you how many times a day I run into something with it! I’ve only gained a …
Last week I told you I was up to something… something good! I was working on a mini-book drive to help local children in need get access to books. Books …
I hate to admit it, but I’m horrible about eating veggies. I’m pretty good with fruits – I like a lot of them, but vegetables… I like only a few. Some …
Besides the rides and live action characters at Disneyland, there are also fun and entertaining shows and experiences to attend. When I first saw mention of talking with Crush on …
We listen to a lot of music, but it’s not at all what most would consider soothing (even if hubby and I do). While my daughter preferred to hang out …
I think by now you all know that my daughter loves music. She loves to sing and dance and she likes to make music too. I find music to be …
One thing my dad always stressed when I was growing up was the importance of having dinner together. It was the one time no one was allowed to take phone …
Pregnancy brain is getting me more and more which is made clear when I go to write my pregnancy journal update yet I forget to have a bump picture taken. …
While I was in Los Angeles I had the privilege of watching Finding Nemo in 3D. But before we went out to the big blue ocean, we were treated to an …
Whether you are on a road trip or your daily commute, there are a few things we can do so we never leave our baby in the car. I actually …
Long ago, I once read that there’s a correlation between how well kids do in school and the amount of books in their homes. If a child has access to …
Well we’ve made it to 26 weeks along and the third trimester is right around the corner. I can tell too, because I’ve had a few early nights this past …
My daughter was excited to watch monkeys on the television at home. She had a much better view with DisneyNature’s Chimpanzee than she gets at the zoo. She giggled in …