9 Months In; 9 Months Out
Dear Aerissa, Today you are 9 months old. I can hardly believe it. You are babbling, crawling, standing, clapping, and cruising. You even have two little teeth that you won’t …
Dear Aerissa, Today you are 9 months old. I can hardly believe it. You are babbling, crawling, standing, clapping, and cruising. You even have two little teeth that you won’t …
The other day I was stressed out and feeling a little low so I did what needed to be done…. I stepped back and enjoyed my daughter. I play with …
You smell like a rubber giraffe. Honey, don’t lick the laptop. Is that poop or chocolate? Don’t put the kitty’s tail in your mouth. Please don’t lick mommy’s bra. Please …
As Darcy has mentioned a few times, I dabble in family history AKA genealogy. Part of that research sometimes requires me to browse old newspapers. Fortunately, Google has a bunch …
It’s finally here. My baby has her first tooth! She won’t let me take a picture of it. She clamps her mouth shut and pushes away my hands. Doesn’t she …
All my “plans” about how I planned to parent my baby have not gone, well, as planned. I discovered something interesting about myself. I found out I gravitated toward the …
I have wanted to try an AppleCheeks cloth diaper for a long time! I heard about them after I started cloth diapering and became obsessed with cloth diaper reviews and …
I love versatile items, especially toys that will be fun for my daughter for more than a few weeks or a few months. And what’s one thing that babies and …
This is also known as Baby Law or the Law of Babies. Anytime my daughter adheres to one of these, I tell my husband it must be Baby Law to …
About this book: Reconnected Kids: Help Your Child Achieve Physical, Mental, and Emotional Health is a guide to help parents reconnect with their children once they be come reconnected themselves. Using …
Ladies, your health is important to me. We all deserve to have information available to us in order to make decisions regarding our bodies and any treatments that might be …
Among the plethora of benefits from breastfeeding, my personal favorite is the bonding time. Sure, I’m happy about providing nutrition and all, but for me, nothing compares to the emotional …
Thanks to Melissa & Doug for providing the Patch Sand Toys set for us to review! So what’s at the top of your summer destination list? I bet the beach …
I’m working with a local mama who loves fluff to try and help other local mamas in need get cloth diapers. We have our first class today so I won’t …
Before having a baby, I thought all the crazy body changes would be limited to pregnancy. I figured I’d basically have my body back after giving birth. This is true.. …
Yep. It’s happening. She doesn’t quite have the move-one-hand-forward-pull-and-move-opposite-knee-forward basics down yet, but baby is learning to crawl. She’s really quite fascinating to watch. Well, now that she’s more creative …
Since having Rissa, I’m much more contentious about what I put on our skin. While I’m not perfect, I do my best to use natural products, especially for baby girl. …
As we transitioned to cloth, I was very fortunate to receive a used stash of One-Size Mother-ease Cloth Diapers. It allowed us to switch to full time much quicker than I …
Baby clothes sizes confuse me. They confused me while I was pregnant and they still confuse me. I also learned the sizes are labeled differently in other parts of the …
I’n happy to say my daughter has been nursing for 8 months. This has taken work to maintain, but she’s been nearly exclusively fed at the breast this whole time. …