Here we are! We have reached the 12 week mark today and let me tell ya, it is a relief! The chance for a miscarriage drops significantly and those pesky first trimester symptoms should begin to subside. This is normally when I would have waited to announce Baby #2, but last week with Mother’s Day just seemed so perfect.
One thing I have heard is that Baby #2 starts showing sooner. What do you think?
Here I am at about 4 weeks along – shortly after the positive test.
Here I am at 11 weeks – on Mother’s Day.
I carried high last time and I suspect I will again!
How I am feeling: I’m still pretty tired and worn out by the end of the day. I can no longer carry Rissa AND a laundry basket up/down the basement stairs without getting winded.
Overall I am feeling pretty good though! Also, I swear I’ve been feeling baby moving since about 10 weeks, but I’m not certain.
Second time around comparison: My first pregnancy was filled with exhaustion, breast tenderness and morning (err all day) sickness. This time I notice tenderness when Rissa nurses, I’m VERY exhausted, but no vomiting!! Just a few bouts of nausea and dizziness.
I worked during my pregnancy with Rissa, but being home trying to keep up with her as a very active toddler is much more exhausting!
The sibling factor: I bought Rissa a book to try and help her understand. She doesn’t seem to quite get it yet, but she’s only 19 months old. She does like babies and when asked of she wants a baby she nods yes. I’ve told her there is a baby in my belly, so if you ask her where the baby is, she often will point at my belly!
If you are preggers too, tell me how you are doing and how far along you are!

Darcy is the founder of “Life With Darcy and Brian,” where she combines her love for education, board games, and crafting to create engaging learning experiences for kids. Her creative projects and writing have been featured in outlets like The Toy Insider, CafeMom,,, Country Living, and The Pioneer Woman.
Tuesday 22nd of May 2012
congrats on reaching 12 weeks! I am currently expecting our 3rd baby. We are not due until early January 2013, so it is still early. I cannot wait until July 4 when I am 13 weeks so I can breathe a big sigh of relief. Love the pics you have taken. Good luck and congrats!
Wednesday 23rd of May 2012
Thank you and congrats to you as well! It's definitely a big relief once the first trimester is over. This time I wasn't as worried but with my first daughter I was scared we wouldn't make it.
Saturday 19th of May 2012
When we got pregnant with #2, our daughter was 18 months old (ish). One thing that really helped is that she participated in a lot of... well, everything. She went with to the appointments. She got to see the ultrasound and see her baby on tv. She got to hear the heartbeat when they checked it. She was very involved in the entire pregnancy and I think that helped her with #2. Even after our son was born, we let her help. I would pump every so often just so she could feed him a bottle and be a big sister! =0)
Wednesday 23rd of May 2012
Oh good! She came to my first OB appointment and I was planning to bring her to all that I can. Not sure if she can come in for the ultrasounds (rules at that dept says no kids) but maybe my OB can get us permission. She did tell me to bring her along again! :) I was actually wanting to bring her so she can learn that the dr office isn't always painful.
Tahlia B.
Saturday 19th of May 2012
I've not only heard that you may show sooner in a second pregnancy, but that you can feel the baby moving sooner, so I don't think it's your imagination. It is awfully exciting, I loved being pregnant!
Wednesday 23rd of May 2012
I actually liked being preggo too so I'm happy to be again! I've heard about feeling baby sooner than the first time, but I wasn't sure about this early. I know they say first time moms often feel baby way after 16 wks but I felt Rissa around 17 or 18, I think. I need to look that up!
Saturday 19th of May 2012
Congrats on hitting 12 weeks! You're making me wish I was pregnant again but in reality, I am okay with 3 right now. I just miss it. (well not the all day vomiting and such LOL)
You are definitely showing! How exciting. I had trouble telling if I was feeling baby move at first too because they don't move a lot or make much of a feeling at first. I haven't experienced this personally so I am interested to see if Rissa notices a difference in your milk. I've heard that some babies wean themselves because of the taste and others keep on like they didn't even notice.