Another week closer! Well, I’m happy to say that whatever is going on with my pelvic discomfort – it has not worsened! In fact, it is feeling better. I’m not sure how or why, but I’m less concerned now. It feels better than when I first told you about it, so hey, that’s good, right?
Recently I went shopping for some boy clothes! That made me feel really happy. It’s a little weird after shopping for girl clothing though. I felt like my options were so limited, but I know there is plenty of nice boy outfits out there. I didn’t buy too much, just a couple newborn and 0-3 month old outfits and I ordered some boy BabyLegs. I don’t know. There is just something about going shopping for this baby finally that makes me really giddy.
Sugar baby… I’m super happy that my gestational diabetes is still going well and is still mostly diet controlled! I only have ONE injection at night to help with my fasting. I think they’ve caught up and tweaked the dose right too. It’s so much different than when I was pregnant with Rissa. Like seriously night and day. So maybe if we do decide to try for a third I won’t have it at all….? That’d be sweet.
I’m still feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything I need to do before he gets here, but I feel like it’s going to come together just fine. It’d be nice to have a weekend where someone entertained Rissa while Brian and I tackled a bunch of stuff though. I think we might have to plan that. Otherwise one of us has to make sure to keep an eye on her and that makes it tough when we both need to help each other go through this or rearrange that.
I’m still tossing around the idea of hiring a doula, but am hemming and hawing because I’m not sure if we can afford one right now even though I know it’s a valuable investment. I better get on it and contact a few if I’m going to do it or I might not be able to find someone I click with who is availabe in 9 to 11 weeks!
Get read for September Sprinkles! So our mom and baby event we’ve been working on with our due date buddy starts tomorrow. We are going to be a little post heavy for a couple weeks due to the event but I’m trying my best to keep the schedule from being too crazy! I hope you are looking forward to it.

Darcy is the founder of “Life With Darcy and Brian,” where she combines her love for education, board games, and crafting to create engaging learning experiences for kids. Her creative projects and writing have been featured in outlets like The Toy Insider, CafeMom,,, Country Living, and The Pioneer Woman.
Tahlia B.
Saturday 22nd of September 2012
No photo - or even a mention? Must be the pregnancy brain :P You looked fantastic last week anyhow!
BTW, I did catch you referring to him as "Baby Z"...but I didn't read anything else of it, did I miss something - or is that a blog post in the works?
Saturday 22nd of September 2012
LOL totally pregnancy brain. While I was writing this Friday night I realized I didn't get a bump picture but was already in my pajamas. No one needs to see that! ;)
(and thank you!)
Sorry I didn't even think twice about switching between Baby #2 and Baby Z. Z is for our last name. I think I'll wait to announce his name just in case we do change our minds at the last minute :)