I can’t believe I’m finally 20 weeks. With my first pregnancy, it felt like it took forever, but then the second half flew by. I have a feeling it’ll be like that with this one as well. Now that I officially have gestational diabetes again, all those extra appointments to check on baby’s growth does the time go by faster. Today I’m actually 20 weeks and 1 day because, um, I didn’t get this written up yesterday (oops!). I blame pregnancy brain!
I know I’m not one of those mamas to have a perfectly round baby bump, but this upper football look has GOT TO GO. I know it’ll start to round out more as we progress, but goodness! I did enjoy shopping for some new maternity clothes. I kept my favorites from my last pregnancy and most of them work since I was pregnant through the same time of year. I really don’t like the full belly panels so I’m staying away from those. And for all you preggo (or soon to be) mamas out there, I’ll be sharing some fun maternity fashions over the course of my pregnancy.
What is it?! We don’t know yet! I have my ultrasound coming up this Thursday. Hopefully baby will cooperate and then we’ll do something fun to reveal if it’s a boy or a girl. Feel free to make your guesses now!
What’s on my mind… I’m concerned about my gestational diabetes, of course. This has been in the front of my mind for several weeks now. I’m also a tad concerned that I don’t feel this baby move as much as I remember Rissa moving at this point. I know that doesn’t mean anything is wrong – they are different babies! Or maybe I’m remembering more about Rissa’s movements further along… she was SO active in the womb (much like she is now, too). I’m also nervous about flying in August. I’ve never flown with a toddler and certainly not while so pregnant. And is Rissa going to keep nursing? How will I handle nursing a newborn AND a toddler?
I need to stop thinking so much!
If you haven’t made a guess yet – what do you think it will be?! Boy or girl?

Darcy is the founder of “Life With Darcy and Brian,” where she combines her love for education, board games, and crafting to create engaging learning experiences for kids. Her creative projects and writing have been featured in outlets like The Toy Insider, CafeMom, Mom.com, Parents.com, Country Living, and The Pioneer Woman.