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Printable Disney Villains Lunch Box Notes

These Disney Villains printable lunch box notes are a fun way to add a little surprise in your child’s lunch. They are perfect to use for Halloween and all throughout October.

If your kids love Disney Villains, you can use the blank ones any time of the year!

Don’t miss our Maleficent party printables perfect for a Halloween or birthday party. For the upcoming holidays, grab our winter princesses printable set of lunch notes.

Preview images of printable Disney Villain lunch box notes

Halloween Lunch Box Notes for Kids

These Disney Villains lunch box notes are perfect for the Halloween holiday season.

They feature the following villains:

  • Hades
  • Cruella DeVille
  • Evil Queen
  • Jafar
  • Ursula
  • Captain Hook
  • Maleficient
  • Queen of Hearts.

You’ll receive one set with the phrases, Happy Halloween and I hope you have a wicked day! and one set of blank notes.

Now that you have some cute notes to add, check out these tips for packing school lunches.

What are lunch box notes?

Lunch box notes are little cards or messages you can slip into your kid’s lunchbox for a little surprise. They can be as simple as a sticky note with Love you! written on it or a note card with a kid friendly joke.

Printed Disney Villain lunch note cards cut apart and spread out on wood table with green and blue lunch box nearby.

How to use Disney Villains pRINTABLE lunch box notes

First you’ll need to download them at the bottom of this post. Then you may the lunch box notes out at home or have them printed at your local printing shop.

These are designed to be printed in color and I recommend printing them in color. However, you may choose to print them in black and white.

They can be printed on regular printer paper, but I think they look and feel nicer on thicker paper.

After printing, cut them apart and stick one into your child’s lunchbox!

Blank lunch box notes with Queen of Hearts and Maleficent printed out and laying on table by lunchbox.

Can I write my own message on these lunch box notes?

Yes, of course! If you aren’t sure what to write on lunch box notes, you can use the ones that come with pre-written phrases. We included a set of blank ones so you can customize your message and use them any time of year.

Even if you use one that we already filled out, you can still write something personal on the back. Your kids will love it!

More Disney Inspired Printables:

Free Printable Disney Villains Lunch Box Notes

These Disney Villains printable lunch box notes are for your personal use only. Download and save your set to print out at home. Share this post with a friend so they can get their own set!


Preview of villain lunch box card printables with text stating click to download


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