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Reducing SIDS Risk and Raising Awareness with HALO SleepSacks

I couldn’t wait until my daughter came into this world. Once she arrived, things seemed easy while we were in the hospital but as we left the reality of taking care of this little being weighed heavily upon our shoulders. Still, we did our best to prepare before Rissa came. We read up on baby care and safety, including Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Let me tell ya, there is nothing scarier than worrying about SIDS. I think the fact that it’s not something we can 100% control can turn many a new parent into a worrier. Thankfully there are ways to reduce the risk of SIDS. Since October is SIDS Awareness Month, we wanted to highlight a few safe sleep tips.

Baby Safe Sleep Tips from HALO:

  1. Back to sleep. Place baby on its back for naps and bedtime.
  2. Keep baby’s sleep space clear – no loose blankets, stuffed animals, pillows, etc.
  3. Keep baby from overheating – keep baby’s room between 68-72 degrees and don’t overdress.
  4. Don’t allow anyone to smoke around baby or have baby in areas where someone recently smoked.
  5. For more tips, visit

The HALO SleepSacks are ideal for use at bedtime. They are embroidered with “Back is Best” to remind any caregiver that baby should be laid down on their back. The sleepsacks are basically wearable blankets. They keep baby warm, they can’t be kicked off, and they can’t get over baby’s face. There are no sleeves to help regulate baby’s temperature and to prevent them from rebreathing air trapped between their face and sleeve. Only quality fabrics are used and are fire resistant without a bunch of chemicals.

We love HALO SleepSacks! They are super easy to get on/off baby and the zipper opens from the bottom for easy diaper changes. I love that they have fleece and cotton ones for cooler and warmer weather. They offer sleepsacks from newborn through toddlerhood for many years of safe sleep! HALO is committed to educating caregivers on safer sleep and providing a quality product to help meet baby’s needs.

HALO works with over 800 hospitals across the United States to use their SleepSack Swaddles in the hospital instead of traditional nursery blankets. This provides baby with safer sleep from day one! Some hospitals also participate in a program to send parents home with a SleepSack Swaddle. Also, a portion of all sales helps fund SIDS research and education. HALO partners with several programs to help promote sleep safety.


Disclosure: I received a HALO SleepSack for review; no other compensation was received. This is a product we have bought and highly recommend!


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    Priscilla Benavides

    Sunday 14th of October 2012

    I have never used a Halo Sleep Sack, we have usually just not used any blankets inside baby crib to prevent SIDS but we had a hard time with our last baby who is now 16 months old because he really liked to be swaddled and it was hard getting him to sleep through the night so I would really love to try the Halo products with our baby that is due in April 2013!

    Diane Sallans

    Saturday 13th of October 2012

    Such important things for new parents to be aware of!

    Richard Hicks

    Saturday 13th of October 2012

    who would have though Halo sleepsacks are good for preventing SIDS! Great tips also!

    Natalie Finch

    Monday 8th of October 2012

    Great tips, this is so important. It's also critical that anyone taking care of your child knows these tips as well. Especially people who have not had children in awhile, the rules have changed!

    Dandi D

    Monday 8th of October 2012

    SIDs is so scary! I will do almost anything to make sure my baby is safely sleeping.