Just in time for Rissa’s birthday, we received LeapFrog’s new Read With Me Scout to review.
During the summer I had the opportunity to preview the new Scout at the Big Toy Book’s Sweet Suite event. Instantly I knew it was perfect for my daughter. Right then and there I planned to buy her one for Christmas.
So, I was super happy to receive the opportunity to review one. It was already on our hot holiday toy list. A must-have for sure!
But, I figured she would do a better job reviewing it since they’ve been nearly inseparable since she unwrapped Scout the morning of her 3rd birthday.
No, Scout can’t take a bath with you.
Oh, only Scout can read that book to you?
Scout read to you and Daddy at bedtime? What a nice puppy!
He’s like the previous interactive pooch plus story time power. Rissa has Violet (who can’t read her stories, she said) for snuggles and singing. Scout has touch points on his cheek, back, head and paws that keep your child interacting with him. On his collar are 5 buttons that correspond to the 5 books he comes with. Your child can match the number OR color on the book to the button on his collar. Rissa figured this out pretty quick. It took a few tries to get her used to the prompts Scout gives her so he knows when she turns the pages (such as “pat my head when you turn the page”). Truth be told, she likes to listen even if she doesn’t have the book in front of her.
I have his songs memorized since she played them over and over again as SHE worked on memorizing them. Even little brother likes to try and play with him. My only issue is how sensitive Scout’s touch points are because sometimes we accidentally derail the story. He’s usually pretty good at saying “Let’s finish reading the story” and knowing where he left off IF no one pushes the collar buttons again. It’s a tough balance because you want them to be sensitive enough for little hands to set off without a lot of trouble, but I don’t want him going off every time I breath near him either. He’s not that bad though! It’s just hard to pick him up without triggering something.
Do you have a little reader who’d love a Read With Me Scout? (or Violet? They have Violet versions too!) Both are available on Amazon (affiliate link)!

Darcy is the founder of “Life With Darcy and Brian,” where she combines her love for education, board games, and crafting to create engaging learning experiences for kids. Her creative projects and writing have been featured in outlets like The Toy Insider, CafeMom, Mom.com, Parents.com, Country Living, and The Pioneer Woman.