I’ve shared before about why I started Tales From the Nursery and how I came up with the name, but up until now, I’ve left out the real driving force behind why I started it. It’s nothing bad (how could starting this blog be bad?), but I want to share it with you. Plus, I owe an answer to Callista’s Ramblings where I was tagged to talk about the birth of my blog.
Which, I assure you, is completely different than my daughter’s birth story.
Before I got pregnant with my daughter, I worked full-time and loved to game in my free time. I loved to game so much that Brian and I maintained a gaming blog where we talked about what we were playing and silly stories about things that happened in game. I even wrote fan fiction stories and was all girl geek to the nth degree. We also went to TONS of concerts.
Mmm yeah, loved the thump of the bass vibrating my rib cage as I head banged and (un)gracefully dodged mosh pits.
I used to write about those sometimes too. (It’s like reviewing and oversharing is in my blood.)
Then… I got pregnant. It was a super exciting time for me = for us. I shared a little bit of it on our gaming blog. I mean, our readers and friends were happy for us, but they didn’t want to read too much about it… not when they cared about beating the next raid boss or what happened next in my fanfic story (that I never finished).
That was okay though. I mean, I had the urge to talk about weird pregnancy dreams, leaky boobs, and crotch lightening bolts, but it didn’t belong on the gaming blog. At that time, I began frequenting birth boards to “get it out” of my system.
Then… I got gestational diabetes. That was the last straw, I needed an outlet because there was so much to process. I felt alone and like I did something wrong to have it… not to mention I continuously encountered people who were misinformed about it (and not always in a nice way if you know what I mean). That became the driving force to start a public blog (I had a private family only place for a short while to share my preggo talk with). I wanted to connect with other GD moms and maybe help someone else.
Except, I barely wrote about it. I’m not sure why I put it off so much. It was really emotional for me for reasons I can’t explain, but I’m very passionate about the need to be screened for it and being honest about your numbers with your medical team. (Birth boards are full of people trying to “cheat” their way through it!)
I continued to write anyway, but sporadically. Some of the earlier posts are bo-oring since it wasn’t really meant for a universal audience – just sharing random crap with my family. (Like baby shower gifts… who needs to see pictures of every outfit we received?!) Then after Rissa came and I started to feel quasi-human again, I started to share my life again. Then I discovered the world of reviews and giveaways and the blog really took off.
But here we are, full circle again. Just as I’m wrestling with my blog identity and where I want to go with it… I’m pregnant with gestational diabetes again. As I work to bring more personal content back to the blog, I must blog about GD this time. I mean, how can I avoid it a second time? Especially when someone might feel as lost as I did two years ago and be searching for support and guidance?
Do you have any questions about gestational diabetes, pregnancy or my blog? Leave a comment below!

Darcy is the founder of “Life With Darcy and Brian,” where she combines her love for education, board games, and crafting to create engaging learning experiences for kids. Her creative projects and writing have been featured in outlets like The Toy Insider, CafeMom, Mom.com, Parents.com, Country Living, and The Pioneer Woman.
Emily @ My Crazy Gluten Free Life!
Tuesday 14th of August 2012
I just wanted to let you know that I became a follower of your blog just for the giveaways back around December/January. That's when I was introduced to the world. I was stuck on the sofa breastfeeding & holding a sleeping baby at least half the day so I had nothing else to do. Now things have changed & I've discovered a new hobby & something that I'm really loving to do. With all the time I'm spending working on my ballistic jewelry, trying to keep up the house & make a few blog posts every week I just don't have time for giveaways anymore. I enter them now & then if they are for Amazon or something that I'd really like but usually I scan my emails & delete most right away. I'm always looking through yours though & watching for the personal posts & then most of the time I end up here commenting :)
It's the personal posts that keep me coming back. I always enjoyed personal posts from the other blogs that I follow too. It's nice to see more of them though. My blog has morphed quite a bit since I started in Nov 2010. I think I'm pretty happy with it now. It's mostly all personal. I plan/need to get some more gluten free recipes up soon too but I just need more time!
Anyway good story & pretty funny because I was also a BIG gamer. I was the 2nd most powerful druid on my server back in the day. I slowed down a bit & then eventually quit when I was a few months pregnant because I just wanted to sleep & knew I wouldn't have time at all once my son was born.
Sorry, shutting up now. As you can see I over share too haha
Tuesday 14th of August 2012
I love when you comment, Emily! I need to set aside more time to reply in a timely fashion and get out there visiting and reading more people more often. Time management continues to be a battle for me lately.
So glad to hear that you like the personal posts. I feel like I lost some readers when things got too crazy with reviews and giveaways, yet feel like I'm losing some now that I've scaled back. I just want to connect better with my readers.. like I used to!
And you know I miss my warlock... I keep thinking someday I'll play her again, but I just can't seem to find the time. It'll be different once the kids are a bit older though, I'm sure!
Monday 13th of August 2012
blog about what you know and what you are experiencing. those that want to read it will stay those that don't will go, hopefully they'll come back :)
Tuesday 14th of August 2012
That's always the tough tug of war, isn't it? Writing for ourselves vs for our readers.. since it doesn't always line up.
Jean Parks
Monday 13th of August 2012
People blog about the experiences that are shaping their lives, it's totally natural that you'd want to create a safe space where you can talk about what you are going though & share support with others.
As for birthing/ parenting replacing gaming as a topic, just think of it as "Motherator Mode" trumping "God Mode" for now ;)
Tuesday 14th of August 2012
I have yet to take down my gaming blog... perhaps because I know I'll return there someday? I'm really happy to get back to the root of why I blog though which is sharing ME and all its various forms :)
Emily @ Baby Dickey
Monday 13th of August 2012
I think it's great that you're going to blog about it! You can definitely help others new to the situation <3
Tuesday 14th of August 2012
Thanks! I just need to organize my thoughts and plan out a series of posts. I think that's one reason I never wrote more than before beyond sharing my diagnosis.
Jo @mediamum
Monday 13th of August 2012
You are so right! People look to bloggers just like you to find reassurance and guidance. Personal stories are sometimes hard to tell, but you would be helping so many other people. Congratulations on your new pregnancy, and I'm sure you'll do great with monitoring your GD. :)
Tuesday 14th of August 2012
Thanks :) I heard at a conference once that if you think it's important enough to share there is someone out there looking for it. I sometimes wonder how that applies to very personal things but other times I can see the wisdom in that speaker's statement.