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This is Three – Happy Birthday, Rissa!

Dear Rissa,

Today is your birthday and it’s the first year you’ve really gotten into it (probably because you are three now).



I can hardly believe it. This sweet little baby we brought home from the hospital has grown into a little girl.

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Fierce. Independent. Stubborn. Curious. Creative. Loud. Messy. Loving.

Those are just some of the words I can use to describe you.


It’s amazing to see how much you’ve grown in the past year. Some days challenge us as we learn to navigate the world together. I still worry from time to time if I’m doing this mothering thing right. Usually you remind me that I am when I see you share or hear your brilliant (yet often humorous) observations.

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Right now you love gymnastics and dance class, reading, fairies, princesses, Wreck-It Ralph, art projects, watching your “show,” your Yo Gabba Gabba friends, visiting your grandparents, and shopping at Target. You are afraid of bees and bugs (especially ones that fly), yet you always gather up sticks and leaves outside.


You’re a good big sister and love to help me around the house and in the kitchen, but only if it’s your idea.

We occasionally still spend a few precious moments bonding during a nursing session, but you are weaning. Those moments are random and bittersweet.

First birthday present today: Foofa hoodie

First birthday present today: Foofa hoodie

Today you are 3 and you continue to amaze me.

I love you, Rissa!
xo Mom xo


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