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Ultimate Guide To Breastfeeding Your Child

As a new mom or veteran mom, you may find yourself looking for a guide to breastfeeding your child. While most moms know right away if they want to pursue breastfeeding, there are many who are on the fence and have questions. There are many more mothers who have struggled with breastfeeding and just want to feel like they aren’t alone. As I have several years of experience now as a breastfeeding mother of two, I am happy to share some of my best advice all in one location to help you learn and grow as a mother.

Our Ultimate Guide To Breastfeeding is a great beginning to your new journey as a nursing mom!

Ultimate Guide To Breastfeeding Your Child

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This is not about being for or against breastfeeding. While we are huge advocates of breastfeeding, we do understand that in some circumstances it is not a possibility. We don’t, however, feel like it should be dismissed as an option right away. There are tons of great helpful articles, groups, and tools to support and guide moms through their breastfeeding obstacles.

If you are frustrated or struggling, please take the time to seek help before making the decision to quit. If you still feel this isn’t the best option for you and your baby, then choose a happy and healthy alternative. I hope that my guide to breastfeeding your child will help make it a possibility that provides nutrition for your baby, and a great experience for yourself. For support and encouragement, you may be interested in joining our Beauty in Breastfeeding community and my book, Breastfeeding 101: Beauty in Breastfeeding.

10 Tips For New Breastfeeding Moms:  This list of great tips for breastfeeding moms that are new to the journey will help you navigate the early days and understand more about what to expect. Some simple things to have on hand, and some reminders to make sure you are taking care of yourself in the process.

My Top 5 Breastfeeding Product Recommendations:  After breastfeeding two children, I find that there are some great things that make your breastfeeding experience much easier to manage. I am sharing my favorites here for you in hopes of helping you manage your journey a bit easier.

Tips For Picking The Best Breast Pump:  While you plan to nurse full time, one of the best things to have on hand is a breast pump. At some point, you will need to leave your baby with your spouse or a friend, and being able to pump and have extra milk on hand is a must. It’s also a great way to relieve pain and pressure when you have an overproduction of milk.

7 Tips For Storing Breastmilk In The Freezer:  If you are pumping breastmilk, you will likely need to store some from time to time. This post includes the best tips for making sure your breastmilk is safe in the freezer and labeled appropriately for use in the future.

Breastfeeding Obstacles: Help! My Baby Forgot How to Nurse: I share a personal story about a major breastfeeding obstacle I faced with my first baby when she was only a few weeks old and how we worked through it. Even if you are not experiencing the same struggle, it helps to know you are not alone when nursing your baby doesn’t seem easy.

How To Know When To Stop Breastfeeding: This post will help you to navigate that time period when you just aren’t sure if you should continue breastfeeding or if it is time to let your child wean. While I am personally an advocate for self-led weaning, I go over different scenarios here that make it easier to determine what is best for you.

Tips For Handling Breastfeeding Pain:  We’ve all had a bit of chafing or discomfort at some point or another in our breastfeeding journey. Whether it is a slight irritation or a major issue for you, this post goes into some great remedies and tips to help ease your pain and provide you with strength to continue breastfeeding your child for months to come.

Tips For Full-Figured Breastfeeding Moms:  If you are overweight or have a larger chest, you’ll realize soon that breastfeeding can take a bit of acrobatics to manage. These tips will help you to make it easier to manage anywhere your baby needs to eat, and feel more comfortable and at ease with your choice to become a full-figured breastfeeding mom.

My Top 10 Breastfeeding Tips:  This post talks about all the little things that just make it easier to manage to breastfeed your child. As much as I love breastfeeding my children, sometimes it can wear you down. These tips make it easier to manage and the experience a healthier one for everyone.

Body Changes With Breastfeeding:  You’ll never look at your breasts the same, or so it seems. There are many physical changes with breastfeeding, and I share some of the things you should be aware of and will see in your body as you progress as a breastfeeding mom.

Join the Beauty in Breastfeeding community for mom to mom support and encouragement.

How Does Breastfeeding Affect Fertility And Sex?:  This question is asked a lot and I have some basic answers for those who are concerned. At the end of the day, this really varies person to person, but there are some basic things to consider and be prepared for.

10 Things To Love About Breastfeeding:  Sometimes when you do feel touched out, you need a reminder of the things that make it a wonderful choice. This post is one where I share about things that remind me of how much I truly love breastfeeding, and why I love breastfeeding.

Teaching My Toddler About Breastfeeding: Not only did I breastfeed into toddlerhood, I also tandem breastfeed for a period of time. My daughter watched as her baby brother was feeding and quickly learned the routine. I loved being able to expose her to such a natural thing for a mother to do, and this post shares some great tips on how to teach your toddler in an age appropriate way about breastfeeding.

How Nursing My Toddler Helped Me Breastfeed My Son:  This post talks more about how tandem breastfeeding really helped me to manage to feed my son when he was first born. While our situation was unique, this is something you may want to consider if you are facing pregnancy with a still breastfeeding toddler on hand.

Breastfeeding and Dealing With Feeling Touched Out:  I found as I breastfeed a toddler and a newborn at the same time, that sometimes it is just tough to handle. You will feel like you have lost all personal space and don’t want anyone to touch you. I share some of my experiences, and how to cope when this is how you feel.

Breastfeeding with Breast Implants – Can It Be Done?  If this is a question you find yourself asking, I share some basic information on how to manage to breastfeed with breast implants in place.

Misconceptions About The Time To Stop Breastfeeding:  This is such an intimate and personal choice, and I share some thoughts I have about how there are misconceptions around when is the best time to stop breastfeeding your child.

I hope this ultimate guide to breastfeeding will give you the tips you need to continue on your breastfeeding journey. As one breastfeeding mother to another, this journey has ups and downs but the rewards are amazing.


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    Breastfeeding Milestones: The Golden Boobies Award

    Monday 20th of August 2018

    […] Ultimate Guide to Breastfeeding Your Child 7 Things I Thought I Knew About Breastfeeding, But I Was Wrong Why You Need a Breastfeeding Peer Support Group […]

    Angie ~ ambient wares

    Monday 6th of March 2017

    Great information! Thank you for sharing this with us at Funtastic Friday!

    Darcy Zalewski

    Monday 6th of March 2017

    Thanks, Angie!