My dear sweet little boy turns two today! I wasn’t quite sure I could handle being a mom of two until he entered my world. He’s funny, sweet, and laid back. He absolutely LOVES to play with water or anything he can pour, build with blocks, and dress up with his sister. He thinks he likes playing games like “chase” or catch with a high pitched, “ready?” before he tosses a ball at your face.
He’s almost as obsessed with Frozen as his sister is, loves music, loves to dance, and has a gentle way about him. (Yet he is a huge ball of energy!) He likes to play and explore independently, but doesn’t like being left out of anything. He’s learning how to navigate sharing and the balance of friendship and tormenting his big sister.
Even when it’s not necessary, he likes to help put things away (unless they are his). He can recount events and tell you plenty through short one to two word descriptions and he has the most adorable expressions. He certainly brings the Happy to our holidays. He even seems to love playing in snow.
Xander is a good sport about needing to tag along to his sister’s activities and to take her to and from preschool. He’s learning his numbers through ten, can identify most letters of the alphabet and loves to watch Good Eats. The boy always wants to mix things when we’re cooking or baking in the kitchen.
It’s been amazing watching him grow and his personality emerge. While there are ups and downs, this is truly a fun age with him. He’s still a little peanut, but he’s perfect just the way he is.
Love you little man!

Darcy is the founder of “Life With Darcy and Brian,” where she combines her love for education, board games, and crafting to create engaging learning experiences for kids. Her creative projects and writing have been featured in outlets like The Toy Insider, CafeMom,,, Country Living, and The Pioneer Woman.